Transfer items between locations

The Inventory module provides a work flow that helps you resupply locations with the items they need, and lets you track the movement of stock internally in the agency. If a location is running low or completely out of a particular item, you can request to have more of that item transferred from another location which has some available to send. You can also request a transfer for an item that has inventory that is about to expire or which has already expired, or of which the location has an oversupply of. Items which are nearing their expiration date can be sent to other locations that use that item more frequently, and items that have already expired need to be sent to a location that can dispose of them correctly.

Larger agencies use a "hub-and-spoke" model, where they maintain a central distribution location (such as a warehouse) that holds all the stock, and distribute the stock through transfers to the other locations. This provides the locations with the supplies they need each week. Other agencies may use a model that maintains various regional depots; vehicles that do not have a dedicated home go to the closest depot for restocking.

The Inventory module assigns different statuses to transfer requests as they travel through the fulfillment process.

  • Draft: Transfers created by the location that needs to increase supplies, return expired items, or reduce oversupply, but which are not yet submitted for fulfillment to another location.

  • Pending: Transfers submitted to another location, and are waiting to be processed by that location for fulfillment.

  • In Progress: Transfers being fulfilled by the location they were submitted to.

  • Completed: Transfers processed by the locations they were submitted to, the requested items received or are on their way to the receiving location, and returned items have been collected and processed.

  • Canceled: Transfers that were not processed and which can no longer be edited by either location.


  1. In the upper left corner of the screen, click the Transfers icon.

    The Transfers page appears, and in the left pane, Draft is selected. In the right pane, the Draft page appears, listing every transfer that is not yet submitted for the location displayed in the Viewing field.

    Note: The Viewing field in the upper right corner of the page is the key to what information appears in the table on any page.

  2. In the upper right corner of the page, from the Viewing menu, choose the location you want to work with.

    The table on the page updates to display the draft transfers created by that location.

  3. Depending on what you want to do with transfers for the selected location, do any of the following.