Restock items that have fallen below par

When you first access the Inventory module, the Action now page appears, displaying a summary of the processes and items in the inventory that require a higher level of attention from you. This includes items that are below par and need to be resupplied through transferring between locations or by ordering from external vendors .

A minimum (min) par level is the lowest number or amount of an item that a location (station, hospital, or vehicle) can have on hand, before they must obtain more of the item through transfers between locations or ordering from a supply vendor. Adhering to a min par level helps the location maintain sufficient stock for its needs, and prevents jeopardizing patient care from a lack of medications or medical supplies.

Par levels were defined by your Inventory module administrator when the module was originally configured, and can be changed in the Settings section of the Inventory module.

Information on changing par levels is available in Change item min and max par levels.

You can review and manage these higher-priority items directly from the Action now page. You can also manage these and lower-priority items from the Inventory list page in the Inventory module, as described in Work with the inventory list.

  1. (If you have not done so already) Access the Action now page in the Inventory module, select the location you want to work with, and manage the amount of data on the page, as described in Respond to action items.

  2. Click the Below par tab.

    The Below par items list appears on the tab, displaying a summary of every item that has fallen below the minimum par level set for it at that location.

  3. Work with below-par items in any of the following ways.