Work with the inventory list

You can view a list of every item you have at any of your agency's locations, and quickly scan an item for its current usable and unusable stock, par levels, and stock coming in from transfers and orders. You can also quickly view the total quantity of the item across all the agency's locations, and expand that total to see the breakdown of that quantity in each location that holds stock in the item. When necessary, you can place a transfer request or item order for items in the list.

  1. In the upper left corner of the screen, click the Inventory list icon.

    The Inventory list page appears, displaying a listing of every item in your agency's item catalog at the location selected in the upper right corner of the page, from the Viewing menu. The page contains information about the number or quantity of each item currently in the inventory at that location, the min and max par levels for that locations, and so forth.

  2. In the upper right corner of the page, from the Viewing menu, choose the location whose item list you want to work with.

    The item list updates to display that location's inventory information.

  3. Work with the inventory at the selected location in any of the following ways.