Add a patient record

An EMS incident is any event that necessitates a ground or air response to a call for emergency medical services by a public or private emergency medical service organization. A patient is any victim at an EMS incident, that requires medical attention.

The EHR module automatically assigns a unique incident number and state tracking number to each new patient record unless EHR is integrated with a CAD system. If your agency or department is using CAD, then the incident number imports with the other information from the CAD system. If your are not using a CAD integration, you need to thoroughly describe the incident and its response factors, identify the patient and provide their vitals information, include a narrative description of the patient's condition and factors, capture the relevant signatures related to the patient and the incident, and more.

  1. Create a new patient record in one of these ways.

  2. On each of the tabs in the EHR module, fill out the patient record with the necessary information.