Add, edit, or delete vitals information

Before beginning treatment, you need to check and record the patient's vitals, to provide a snapshot of the patient's basic bodily functions at a specific moment in time. It may also be necessary to check and record their vitals multiple times during treatment, particularly if the patient is unstable or has sustained significant injuries. Multiple vitals checks also show progress toward recovery.

  1. At the top of the page, click the Vitals tab.

    The contents of the Vitals tab appear, listing any vitals recordings that have already been performed on the patient.

  2. Depending on whether or not you use a cardiac monitoring device on the patient to record vitals information, do one of the following.

    Whether you import data into a new vitals record or start a vitals record manually, you can still add to and update the information as needed.

  3. Add or edit vitals information to the patient's record in one of these ways.

  4. In the upper right corner of the dialog box, click OK.

    The Vitals tab reappears, with the General sub-tab selected at the top, and a summary of the vitals information you recorded appearing below.

  5. At the top of the Vitals tab, click the Scoring, then ECG sub-tabs.

    A summary of the scoring and ECG information you recorded earlier appears on the respective sub-tabs below.