Record patient information

A patient is any victim at an EMS incident, that requires medical attention. An EMS incident is any event that necessitates a ground or air response to a call for emergency medical services by a public or private emergency medical service organization.

You need to identify the patient and provide important information about them, such as how to contact them after treatment, what their medical history is, any allergies they might have, medications they are currently taking, and so more.

Note: Before you begin using the EHR module, you need to contact your ESO Suite administrator and ask them to enable tabs, fields, validations, defaults, and so forth, so that your agency can capture the data it needs. The administrator can also disable the display of tabs and fields that your department does not need, to streamline the EHR module to only the necessary fields.

Information on configurations and settings that affect the EHR module is available in Configure tabs.


Collect demographic information

Record contact information

Obtain medical history

Identify allergies

List current medications

List immunizations received

Account for patient belongings