Configure a polar chart

A polar chart is radial chart with a spacial perspective, which you can use to visualize relationships between data points in terms of radii (radiuses) and angles. Each data point is determined by the distance from the pole (the radial coordinate) and the angle from the fixed direction (the angular coordinate).

Click graphics
to open them.


  1. (If you have not done so already) Create or open the dashboard you want to work with.

  2. (If opening an existing dashboard) In the upper right corner of the polar chart widget you want to work with, click the edit () icon.

    The widget opens for configuring.

    In the left pane, the Categories, Values, and Break by sections appear. You can add fields to each of these sections, and configure the individual fields to display the precise data you want, in the format you want, in the widget.

    In the right pane, the Design and Filters tabs appear. The Design tab contains fields for managing the appearance of chart styles, legends, labels, categories, axes, and so forth, depending on which type of chart you are working with. The Filters tab contains fields for adding and configuring a widget filter, which applies to the specific sections in the widget and any fields you add to the widget. The center pane displays the effects of these configurations on the data in the widget.

    Information on adding and working with a widget filter is available in Configure a widget filter.

    Note: Depending on the size of your data source and the how fast data in it updates in real time, you may want to disable data updates to the widget while you are configuring it, to minimize lag time as you work. Real-time data updates in the widget automatically resume when you finish configuring the widget and return to the dashboard,

  3. (Optional) In the lower left corner of the screen, drag the Update on Every Change slider button to the left to disable data updates while you configure the widget.

    When data updates are enabled, the slider background is blue, the widget re-queries data from the database, and refreshes the data in the widget while you are configuring the widget. Depending on the rate of data change for fields you add to the widget, continuous updates can slow down responsiveness to your widget updates.

    When you disable data updates, the slider background turns gray and the data does not update until you click Apply in the upper right corner of the widget and return to the dashboard list.

  4. In the upper right corner of the widget, click Apply.

    The ESO Insights module saves the configurations and changes you made to the widget, and applies them to the dashboard you are creating or the existing dashboard you opened. The list of all the dashboards in the ESO Insights module appears.