Configure a widget filter

A widget filter applies to the specific sections in a widget, and to the fields you add to that widget. You can add filters that affect the entire widget the same way you can apply filters to a dashboard.

Information on adding and configuring a dashboard filter is available in Work with dashboard filters.

Caution: From the dashboard view, there is no indication that the ESO Insights module is filtering data at the widget level. This can confuse your dashboard viewers, and you may want to reconsider filtering at this level.

Tip: If you decide to filter at the widget level anyway, include a reference to this in the widget's name or information menu, to let to viewers know that the widget's data is already filtered.

Information on renaming a widget or adding a description to the widgets information menu is available in Rename a widget and Add a description to a widget, respectively.

  1. (If you have not done so already) Create or open the dashboard you want to work with.

  2. (If opening an existing dashboard) In the upper right corner of the widget you want to work with, click the edit () icon.

    The widget opens for configuring.

  3. In the right pane, click the Filters tab.

    The right pane updates to display field for adding and managing filters that apply to the entire widget.

  4. Work with the filters in any of the following ways.

  5. In the upper right corner of the widget, click Apply.

    The ESO Insights module saves the configurations and changes you made to the widget, and applies them to the dashboard you are creating or the existing dashboard you opened. The list of all the dashboards in the ESO Insights module appears.