Add, copy, edit, or delete an award program

You can create the award programs your agency or department offers to its personnel. The nature of these awards can vary as needed, from traditional LOSAP to unique state- or agency-specific awards.

Example: In Connecticut, if you participate the requisite amount of time in a specific award program, you can earn a $1000 abatement off your tax bill that year. In another department, for every incident that you go to, you get $1 credited towards a gas card, calculated on a quarterly basis.

LOSAP is a program used by many volunteer agencies to determine retirement or pension benefits.


  • Award program functionality is available in both the full version of PM and PM Basic, but has reduced functionality in PM Basic because you must have the full version of PM to enter class credits, rank, and title information.

    For information on upgrading to the full version of PM, go to and fill out the fields to request a demonstration and speak with a sales representative.

  • Your PM module administrator must add the View Award Programs or Edit Award Programs security permission to one of your user roles for the Award Program tab to appear for viewing in personnel records. You must have the Edit Award Programs security permission added to make changes to award programs.

    Information on user accounts, roles, and permissions is available in Manage a user account.

For information on upgrading to the full version of PM, go to and fill out the fields to request a demonstration and speak with a sales representative.

  1. In the navigation bar on the left side of the screen, click the Award Programs () icon.

    The Award Programs screen appears, displaying a list of the active award programs currently in the PM module.

  2. Work with an award program in any of the following ways.