Add or deactivate chief complaints
The chief complaint is a concise statement describing the symptom, problem, or condition that is the reason for a medical encounter. A secondary complaint is a second, less severe problem with the patient, which may or may not be directly related to the chief complaint.
Note: When you add a chief complaint, the request is sent to FIREHOUSE Software, and the complaint and all the rules and associations relative to the condition are added by a FH Medic support staff member.
When you deactivate a chief complaint, you are preventing it from displaying in the FH Medic application on the mobile computer.
- (If you have not done so already) Access the Configurations -> FH Medic page, as described in Configure FH Medic for the mobile computers.
Click Chief Complaints.
The Configurations -> Chief Complaints page appears.
Do any of the following.
Add a new chief complaint
- In Add New Chief Complaint, type the name of the chief complaint you want to add.
From Chief Complaint Type, select a complaint type.
Example: Medical, trauma, or environmental.
Click Add.
Under Add, the message
Your request has been sent. Please allow up to 48 hours for this request to be processed.
appears. The request is sent to FIREHOUSE Software.
Deactivate one or more chief complaints
- In the bottom half of the page, clear the check box for any chief complaints you want to deactivate in FH Medic on the mobile computer.
Click Save Changes.
In the top half of the page, under Add, the message
Changes have been saved.
(Optional) Add, edit, or delete secondary complaints for a chief complaint.
Information on adding secondary complaints is available in Add, edit, or delete subcomplaints.
(Optional) Specify required information for a chief complaint.
Information on specifying required information is available in Specify field requirements for a chief complaint.