Add records to multiple personnel at once

You can update the records for a number of existing personnel at once, instead of opening each individual's record and adding the same information multiple times. You can also add records for a number of new personnel at once.


  • A licensed individual visits your station, teaches a skill required for personnel members, and certifies any personnel who pass the testing.

  • A medical professional visits your station or agency and administers annual influenza ("flu") shots or COVID boosters.

  • Your agency has hired several new personnel members, and their information needs to be added to the ESO Suite.


  1. In the navigation bar on the left side of the screen, click the Group Actions () icon.

    The Group Actions screen appears.

    Note: Click thumbnail graphics in the help to view the full-sized image.

    PM (full version) PM Basic

  2. Do any of the following to the records of the listed personnel.

  3. (Optional) Verify the updates to personnel records.