Update open orders from external vendors

When you first access the Inventory module, the Action now page appears, displaying a summary of the processes and items in the inventory that require a higher level of attention from you. This includes items ordered from external vendors. Open orders are item requests being processed and fulfilled by one or more vendors, and whose items have not all arrived yet.

You can review and manage the oldest orders directly from the Action now page. You can still manage open orders and orders in other stages of the ordering process, as described in Order new inventory items.

  1. (If you have not done so already) Access the Action now page in the Inventory module, select the location you want to work with, and manage the amount of data on the page, as described in Respond to action items.

    On the Action now page, the Inventory module displays the Transfers & orders tab by default, and the Open orders section appears at the bottom of the tab.

    Tip: You may need to scroll down the Transfers & orders tab to find the Open orders section.

    Note: To keep the Transfers & orders tab from becoming too long, only the top three open orders appear in the Open orders section. You can, however, access the full list of open orders in the Inventory module, from the Transfers & orders tab.

  2. Manage open orders with external vendors in any of the following ways.

  3. Work with the information displayed on the Order details page, as described in Work with open orders.