Manage reference materials

FH Mobile applications automatically install the 2004 Emergency Response Guide as a reference document, which can be accessed in every FH Mobile application. Your department may have developed additional standard operating procedures, attachments, images, and map directories that need to be referred to by personnel in the field. If you place these files in a shared reference materials folder, located on a computer which is accessible at all times, the files and sub-directories in the folder are copied to the mobile computers whenever they synchronize with the FH database.

Caution: This folder should not be located on a computer that may be off the network or turned off for periods of time, such as a mobile computer. The files in this folder and its sub-directories must be in formats that can be viewed by FH applications on the mobile computer.

Tip: Only include files that are likely to be used in the field.

When the files and sub-directories in the shared reference folder are copied to the mobile computer, they are stored in the FH Mobile installation directory, in the Reference sub-directory.

Example: C:\FIREHOUSE Software Mobile\Reference

Instructions on specifying the location of the shared reference materials folder are available in Set global options, under Set reference material location. Instructions for adding standard operating procedures, attachments, images, and map directories are available under Add files to the shared reference materials folder. You can access shared reference materials files from each FH Mobile application, in the left navigation pane, under Reference Materials.