Set up a "master" mobile computer
You can assign a specific mobile computer to be the "master" mobile computer, used to set global configuration options for FH Mobile applications. Options set on the master computer are sent to the FH database, and then propagated to each FH Mobile workstation when it synchronizes with the FH database. If you do not specify a "master" workstation, each mobile computer can have unique configuration settings. Once you define a "master" computer, the following options are not available on the rest of the mobile computers.
Global settings
- Schedule and roster selections
- Software updates selection
- Location of shared reference materials folder
ePCR settings
- Action plan master configuration and memorize templates
- Action plan field display and sequence
- Action item groups and consumables
- Body site definitions
- Injury matrix lookup and symptom lookup code mappings
- EMS security settings
- User field definitions
- Remote incident settings
- Incident settings
- Completion and status management settings
- Default unit/crew settings
Preplan settings
- Grid settings
- Speech settings
Incident Command settings
- Export to FH selections
- Notifications options for play sound,
file location, and default PAR time - PAR status, assignments, tasks, assignment and task status, mutual aid units, and mutual aid personnel codes
Inspections settings
- Inspections action plan field display and sequence
- Inspections security settings