Install and run the license manager
- (If you have not done so already) Log on as an administrator to a computer with FH Standard or FH Enterprise software.
(If the FIREHOUSE Software Mobile installation and update menu is not already showing) Insert the FH Mobile DVD into the appropriate drive.
The FIREHOUSE Software Mobile installation menu automatically appears.
Click Install the FIREHOUSE Software Mobile License Manager.
The FIREHOUSE Software License Manager wizard appears.
(If you know where your FH installation is located) Select Skip automatic search for existing installations.
Note: If you do not know where your FH installation is stored, let the installation search and list all FH installations (the process may take several minutes).
Click Next >.
If no other installations are found, or if you selected Skip automatic search for existing installations, the Specify Location screen of the wizard appears, displaying the location of the FH installation where the FH Mobile license will be installed. If multiple installations of FIREHOUSE Software were located, the Select Location screen of the wizard appears, listing the locations where FH installations exist.
- (If the Specify Location screen of the wizard appeared) Click Browse..., use the file browser that appears to navigate to the location of the FH installation you want the FH Mobile License Manager to be associated with.
- (If the Select Location screen of the wizard appeared) Select the FH installation you want the FH Mobile license manager to be associated with.
Click Next >.
The Start Installation screen of the wizard appears.
Select the option corresponding to the FH Mobile applications you installed earlier.
Click Next >.
The Installation Complete screen of the wizard appears.
Caution: It is recommended that you activate the licenses for your FH Mobile applications right away. If you purchased your FH Mobile applications, your FH Mobile DVD packaging included a serial number and an activation code which expire 45 days after the activation code was created.
Tip: You can launch the FH Mobile License Manager (required to activate licenses and define which mobile computers can run the FH Mobile applications) by either clicking Run FIREHOUSE Software Mobile License Manager in this wizard, or by launching it from the Start menu later.
Click Finish.
Depending on whether installed evaluation copies of FH Mobile applications or if you purchased the FH Mobile applications, continue with one of the following.