Update only FH Mobile

When you update only FH Mobile, you will continue using your current installation of SQL Server to manage the FH database. If you have Device Monitor and Medtronic installed, they are removed and a new version of them are installed in the process.

  1. (If you have used Device Monitor and Medtronic) Import any outstanding cases from Device Monitor into FH Mobile.
  2. Synchronize all your mobile computers with your FH database.
  3. Log on to the mobile computer as an administrator.
  4. Depending on how you received the FH Mobile software, do one of the following.

    The FH Enterprise installation or update dialog box dialog box appears.

  5. Click Install FIREHOUSE Software Mobile Client Applications.

    The FIREHOUSE Software Mobile Setup dialog box appears.

  6. Click Next >.

    If Device Monitor is installed, the Updating System screen of the wizard appears. If Device Monitor is not installed, the User Information screen of the wizard appears.


  7. (If the Updating System screen of the wizard appears) In Verify that you have imported all LifePack data in FH ePCR by typing YES in all caps, type YES, and then click Next >.

    The User Information screen of the wizard appears.

  8. In Full Name and Organization, enter information appropriate for your department.
  9. Select one of the following to indicate who can use FH Mobile on this computer:

    Choose this option To allow this FH Mobile use

    Anyone who uses this computer

    All users that access this computer.

    Only for me

    Only by the user currently logged in to the workstation.

    Warning: No one else will be able to use FH Mobile except the person with the current Windows login.

  10. Click Next >.

    The Destination Folder screen of the wizard appears.

  11. Click Next > to accept the default location listed under Destination Folder.

    Warning: Do not click Browse and change the destination folder. FH Mobile applications depend on the installation directory being located at C:\Program Files\FIREHOUSE Software Mobile.

    The Select Features screen of the wizard appears.

    By default, all the FH Mobile applications are selected and will be installed on the local hard drive.

  12. (Optional) Select any applications that you want to change the default selection for and choose the appropriate option for your needs.

  13. Click Next >.

    The SQL Server Database Settings screen of the wizard appears.

  14. Select one of the following options to indicate what database you want to use with the newer version of FH Mobile.

    Choose this option To do this

    Update the existing database

    Leaves your current data, FH Mobile configurations, and action plans intact in the database, and makes changes necessary to the database to correspond to the newer version of FH Mobile you are installing.

    Install a new blank database

    An empty database.

    Warning: This database replaces your existing database. If you have entered data, configured FH Mobile, or set up action plans, selecting this option deletes your information.

    Attach a demo database

    A demo database that can not be synchronized with the FH database.

  15. Click Next >.

    Warning: If a Windows message with an error of 1720 appears, exit the FH Mobile installation wizard and reboot your computer. You will then need to do the steps under Update only FH Mobile over again.

    The Updating System screen appears with a progress bar.

    If you have Device Monitor installed, over the FH Software Mobile setup wizard, the Device Monitor update wizard appears, displaying the Welcome screen.

  16. Read the Installation Notes, and then click Next >.

    The final screen of the installation wizard appears.

  17. Click Finish.
  18. Repeat steps 3–19 on the rest of your mobile computers.
  19. (If one of the mobile computers is defined as a "master" mobile computer) Synchronize the "master" mobile computer with the FH database.

  20. (If you have not yet activated the licenses for the FH Mobile applications) Continue with License the mobile computer.
  21. (If you were using FH Mobile Sync Service) Update Sync Service for ePCR.