Specify crew members for the unit

After you log in, the Update Crew dialog box appears automatically, listing the crew member whose user name and password you logged in with as the primary medic. The primary medic is responsible for documenting the incident the unit and its crew responded to.

You can add or delete crew members from the list, indicate a crew member's role, specify who the officer in charge (OC) is, and change the primary medic. You can also define non-system individuals on a crew, who participate in a medical dispatch, but who are not regularly scheduled crew members.

  1. From Shift, select the shift for the incident the data entry is occurring on.
  2. From the crew list on the left, select a crew member.
  3. From the list of buttons in the middle of the dialog box, click the button describing the role of the selected crew member.

    A green check mark appears in the button.

    Tip: Click the arrows below the list of buttons to scroll back and forth and view all the role selections.

  4. (If necessary) Edit the existing crew member list.

  5. In the upper right corner of the Update Crew dialog box, click Submit.

    The Incidents screen of FH Medic appears, and a summary of the crew members appears in the upper right corner of the user interface.

    Note: To access the Update Crew dialog box again from the Incidents screen, in the upper right corner, click Change Crew. From any other screen in FH Medic, choose FH → Crew.