Upload your agency's current inventory information

Your agency's inventory consists of the medicines and medical supplies that it currently holds at all of its locations. This is not the same as its item catalog, which is the exhaustive list of all the medicines and medical supplies your agency can obtain and control.

When you first purchase the Inventory module for your ESO Suite, it does not contain any information about the items your agency currently has in stock. You need to specify this information as part of your agency's onboarding process with the Inventory module.

  1. On the top side of the home screen, click Inventory.

    The Inventory module opens, displaying the Action now page and the Welcome to Inventory! message.

    Click graphics
    to open them.



  2. In Step 4: Upload your current inventory, click Upload inventory.

    The Inventory module takes you to the Settings pages, and the Overview page appears on the right. From this page, you can specify the number or amount of every item in the item catalog, for every location, by populating and uploading a spreadsheet of your agency's current inventory.