Set minimum and maximum par levels

A minimum (min) par level is the lowest number or amount of an item that a location (station, hospital, or vehicle) can have on hand, before they must obtain more of the item through transfers between locations or ordering from a supply vendor. Establishing a min par level for every item in the agency's catalog helps the location maintain sufficient stock for its needs, and prevents jeopardizing patient care from a lack of medications or medical supplies.

A maximum (max) par level is the highest (ideal) number or amount of an item that a location should have on hand at any time. If a location has more of an item than their max par level defines, the location should transfer the overage of that item to other locations that may need it. Establishing a max par level for every item in the agency's catalog helps minimize waste from items with expiration dates, and redistributes medications and medical supplies to locations that need them the most.

The Inventory module automatically tracks both these levels for you, and alerts you when an item falls below the minimum par level. This tracking is especially important for vehicles, which must have sufficient stock when responding to emergencies in the field, and which should not be operating if they are running below minimum par levels with their inventory.

  1. On the top side of the home screen, click Inventory.

    The Inventory module opens, displaying the Action now page and the Welcome to Inventory! message.

    Click graphics
    to open them.



  2. In Step 3: Set your agency par levels, per available item for each of your agency locations, click Set par levels.

    The Inventory module takes you to the Settings pages, and the Overview page appears on the right. From this page, you can set all the par levels at every location, for every item in the item catalog at once, by populating and uploading a spreadsheet of par levels.

    Note: While you can also set par levels through the Stations, Hospitals, and Vehicles pages you worked with earlier in the onboarding process, entering the initial par levels this way may become very time-consuming. This method is better suited for adjusting individual item par levels after the initial levels are established through importing the populated spreadsheet.