Define your agency's item catalog

Your agency's item catalog consists of the medicines and medical supplies that your agency controls and potentially holds stock for. When you first purchase the Inventory module for your ESO Suite, it does not contain any information about your agency's current item catalog, what your agency's minimum and maximum par levels are for each item, the number of each item you currently have available, what items are expired or approaching expiration, and so forth.

You need to specify this information as part of your agency's onboarding process with the Inventory module.

  1. In Step 1: Defining your agency's item catalog from our starter list, under Medications, click Controlled.

    The Inventory module takes you to the Settings pages, and the Controlled items page appears on the right, displaying the Controlled medication availability section at the top. This page lists narcotic medications commonly used by agencies across the industry, which your agency could potentially hold stock for.

    ESO provides lists of controlled (narcotic) and uncontrolled (non-narcotic) medications, and of consumable medical supplies, so that you only have to indicate which items your agency stocks instead of manually entering these lists of items. By default, all items are enabled in the lists, in every variety of strength, volume, dose form, and size. You only need to disable the variations of items that your agency does not stock.

    Example: Your agency may stock the controlled medication buprenorphine as 1 ML injections and 1.5 ML pre-filled syringes, but it does not stock buprenorphine in .5 ML pre-filled syringes. In this case, you would only need to disable the .5 ML pre-filled syringes item entry.