Collect custom signatures

You can also upload images of custom signature forms, which patients can "sign" over top of, to meet any other documentation needs your agency has. These forms let you capture additional data required by your state or agency, and the signatures on them verify that you followed your state's and agency's processes.

As you collect the required information and signatures for each signature category, a green triangle appears in the upper right corner of the category button. If the triangle does not appear, you have not yet met one or more requirements for that category.

Click graphics
to open them.


  1. At the top of the page, click the Signatures tab.

    The contents of the Signatures tab appear. The tab is organized three types of signatures needed for the ePCR: signatures to authorize billing, signatures frequently needed based on the patient's needs and cooperation, and any signatures needed on custom forms specific to your agency.

  2. (Optional) Click any custom document button with a green triangle in the upper right corner to open and display the corresponding dialog box or document, for viewing and editing the information and signatures in it.