Spinal immobilization screening tool

Spinal immobilization is performed to prevent or minimize secondary damage to the spinal cord if instability of the spinal column is suspected. It typically involves the use of a number of devices and strategies to stabilize the spinal column after injury, and thereby prevent spinal cord damage. The practice is widely used in trauma patients with suspected spinal cord injury in the pre-hospital setting. You can evaluate the need for spinal immobilization with the patient by screening them for specific indicators of neck and spinal injury.

  1. At the top of the page, click the Forms tab.

    The contents of the Forms tab appear, listing all the forms your ESO Suite administrator has enabled in the Admin module.

  2. Click Spinal Immobilization Screening Tool.

    The Spinal Immobilization Screening Tool dialog box appears.

  3. For the following fields, click Yes or No to help evaluate the patient's spinal condition.

    Field Information needed

    Altered Mental Status

    An indication of whether the patient displays a mental status ranging from comatose to awake and alert, but confused.

    Evidence of Alcohol/Drug Impairment

    An indication of whether the patient displays a mental, emotional, or physical impairment from the consumption of alcohol or drugs, and can not exercise reasonable and ordinary control, or readily understand or communicate in spoken language.

    Indications of alcohol impairment include lack of coordination, slurred speech, sedation, the smell of alcohol on the patient's breath and/or closing, and a general confused and/or dazed presentation.

    Indications of drug impairment include bloodshot eyes, pupils larger or smaller than usual, a runny nose or sniffling, tremors, slurred speech, impaired coordination, unusual odors on breath, body, or clothing, and persistent itching in a specific area of the body.

    Distracting Injury

    Evidence of a different physical injury that is so severely painful that neck and spinal examination is unreliable.

    Example: Severe thoracic trauma, long bone fractures, crush injuries, large burns

    Neurologic Deficit

    An indication of abnormal function of a body area, including focal deficit, tingling, reduced strength, numbness in extremities, abnormal reflexes, and loss of balance. This altered function is due to injury of the brain, spinal cord, muscles, or nerves.

    Spinal Pain/Tenderness

    The patient complains of pain or tenderness to the mid-line posterior spine during palpation, and tend to vigorously self-splint.

    As you select options for the screening criteria, the indicator in the Immobilization Recommended box of the dialog box updates to a red circle with No in it, or to a green circle with Yes in it, accordingly.


  4. Click OK.

    The dialog box closes, and a green triangle appears in the upper right corner of the form button, to indicate that data exists in this form.