Florida trauma scorecard

Trauma is a tissue injury that occurs as a as a result of violence or an accident, which may result in wounds, broken bones, or internal organ damage.Triage is an assessment of the physiology and anatomy of the patient's injury, the mechanism of the injury, and special patient considerations.

The State of Florida Trauma Criteria comprises seven variables, including age, collision type, impact location, airbag deployment, steering wheel deformity, intrusion, and restraint use.

  1. At the top of the page, click the Forms tab.

    The contents of the Forms tab appear, listing all the forms your ESO Suite administrator has enabled in the Admin module.

  2. Click Florida Trauma Scorecard.

    The Florida Trauma Scorecard dialog box appears, with the Assessment bookmark selected in the left pane.

  3. For the following fields, click the list icon to the right of the field, select all the appropriate options from the menu that appears, then click OK or click outside the menu.

    Field Information needed

    Alert Red Trauma Alert

    A list of all the severe trauma the adult patient is suffering.

    Example: Second and/or third degree burns, fracture of two or more long bones, suspicion of spinal cord injury

    Adult Blue Trauma Alert

    A list of all less-severe trauma the adult patient is suffering.

    Example: Gunshot wound to the extremities, major degloving injury, major flap avulsion, advanced age of the patient

    Pediatric Red Trauma Alert

    A list of all the severe trauma the pediatric patient is suffering.

    Example: Second and/or third degree burns, paralysis, open long bone fracture

    Pediatric Red Trauma Alert

    A list of all less-severe trauma the pediatric patient is suffering.

    Example: Fracture (single closed long bone), loss of conciousness, amnesia

    Additional Trauma Criteria

    The EMS provider judges that the patient has severe trauma other than what is listed for a red trauma alert, or the patient meets trauma criteria set forth by the local agency or medical director.

    The EHR module assigns a score to the each of the items you select. If the patient reaches a score of at least 1 from the selected red trauma and additional criteria lists, or if patient achieves a score of at least 2 from the blue trauma list, the Screening Criteria Met box at the bottom of the section updates, changing to either a red circle with No in it, to a green circle with Yes in it.


  4. Click OK.

    The dialog box closes, and a green triangle appears in the upper right corner of the form button, to indicate that data exists in this form.