C-STAT stroke scale

The C-STAT stroke scale helps you quickly identify a patient experiencing a stroke, as there is no time to waste in getting help for a stroke victim. A stroke is marked by the sudden onset of a droopy face on one side, weakness of the arm or leg on one side of the body, and the inability to speak. EMS personnel can use the C-STAT for suspected stroke patients to screen for severe versus non-severe stroke. C-STAT helps identify FAST-positive patients with a higher chance of ELVO, who would benefit from triage to a hospital capable of endovascular care.

  1. At the top of the page, click the Forms tab.

    The contents of the Forms tab appear, listing all the forms your ESO Suite administrator has enabled in the Admin module.

  2. Click C-STAT Stroke Scale.

    The C-STAT Stroke Scale dialog box appears, with the Exam bookmark selected in the left pane.

  3. Record the treatment data in one of these ways.

  4. Click OK.

    The dialog box closes, and a green triangle appears in the upper right corner of the form button, to indicate that data exists in this form.