Hiding client drives

Through the FH Web Edition Connection Manager, administrators can hide client drives such as the client’s operating system drive, floppy drive, and CD ROM drive, making them inaccessible to the user through FH Web Edition. All client drives are mapped by default.

  1. In the FH Web Edition Connection Manager, from the All Hosts list, select the host you want to work with.
  2. Choose Tools → Host Options.
  3. Click the Client Access tab.
  4. Select Drives.
  5. In Hide, type the client drive letters you want to hide.

    Drives in Hide can be listed in any order. When hiding client drives on the Linux client and the Macintosh OS X Client, the user's home directory is mapped, in addition to the root and floppy drives.

    Client Floppy (M:)
    Client Home (N:)
    Client Root (O:).

  6. Click OK.