Customizing the client printer name

Caution: The following characters are not allowed in a client printer name:  ! , \ = / : * ? " < > and |. If any of these characters are used in the string, they are replaced with a hyphen. Any special characters other than % in the PrinterNameFormat string are taken literally, since they are not tokens.

  1. Start the Registry Editor (regedit.exe).
  2. In the Registry Editor, expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.
  3. Locate the PrinterNameFormat key: [HKLM\Software\ACSXerox\FH Web Edition\AppServer\PrinterNameFormat]
  4. Right-click PrinterNameFormat, and then select Modify.
  5. In Value, type one or more of the client printer customization tokens.
  6. Close the Registry Editor.

    The PrinterNameFormat key is set to (from %C) by default. Using the above examples, printer names would appear as: PrinterName (from HRWorkstation).