Find the intersection of two streets

  1. Select the tab of the map that you want the intersection to appear in when you find it.
  2. Do one of the following.

    • On the Main ribbon, choose Find Locations → Address.
    • Choose Go → Tools → Find Locations → Address.
    • Choose Go → Tools → Routing → Find Locations → Address.
    • (Premium) On the Incident tab, on the Summary sub-tab, under Location, click Search Location.

    The Address tab appears to the left of the map, and the Address dialog box appears as well.



  3. In the Address dialog box, in Street, type the names of the two intersecting streets, separated by a pipe (|), in the format below.

    street name | street name

    Example: Professional Drive | Huron Pky

  4. In City, State, and Zip, type the city name, state name, and zip code where the intersection is located.
  5. Do one of the following.

    Click this To do this


    Leave the Address dialog box displayed after searching for the intersection.

    Search and Close (Enter)

    Close the Address dialog box after searching for the intersection.

    The Address tab is renamed with the names of the streets you entered, the Parameters button at the top of the tab displays the text you entered in the dialog box, and a list of possible matches appears in the list in the tab. Each possible match includes a score that reflects the degree of accuracy for the match. If you started the search from the Incident → Summary sub-tab, each possible location also lists a red star labeled Use.

    The map you selected displays location icons and a push-pin icon at the best match to the intersection parameters you listed. Not all of the icons for the possible locations may be visible in the selected map.



  6. (Optional) In the tab, click Parameters to display or hide the Address dialog box.

    This feature is useful if you closed the Address dialog box after searching and need to change the intersection.

  7. In the tab, select the correct location from the list.

    The push-pin on the map moves as necessary to identify the location you selected on the tab.

  8. (Optional) Work more with the location results in the list.

    Information on working with the results is available in Work with found location results.