1.7.276 Release Notes
These Release Notes are for FIREHOUSE Software® Mobile release 1.7.276, and provide a listing of the defects resolved and the enhancements implemented during this release.
Note: It is assumed that you already have FH Standard or FH Enterprise 7.10.10 or later installed, configured, and running on a server in your department.
Caution: There is a new, additional step required for new installations of FH Mobile or updating an existing installation of FH Mobile. You must run a batch file after installing or updating, to register the proper versions of Internet Explorer DLL files that FH Mobile requires. Additional information is available in the FIREHOUSE Software Mobile Installation and Update Guide.
The following issues were successfully resolved this release.
When a user sychronized the FH Mobile database with the FH database, user field for inspections did not sychronize properly, and the following error appeared.
(E): Error Occured during: Pushing Inspection table: "INS_CHK"
Remote data synchronization failed due to the following errors:
Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'ins_chk_chk_id'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'ins_chk'
The statement has been terminated
If you were using the custom NEMSIS code set for Florida, the following issues using ePCR occurred.
- When adding vitals information, ePCR initially applied the default value of
in some user fields. If you closed and reopend the vitals information, however, the values in these fields had changed to0
. - When an ePCR record is linked to a NFIRS incident in the FH database, and you entered a zip code in the Hospital Disposition field, a zip code error and type error appeared.
You were prompted to enter a required procedure, even after you entered one. To synchronize the FH Mobile database with the FH database, you had to delete the procedures in FH Mobile, synchronize the databases, and then add the procedures again in FH.
Even if you entered different codes in Primary Provider Impression and Secondary Provider Impression, an error message appeared stating that you could not duplicate the same code.
When you start a new inspection, added a violation without specifying a recheck date, and then saved and closed the inspection, the next time you opened the inspection, the recheck time was set to 00:00:00
On Windows Vista and Windows 7 machines, the location of the FH Mobile database in C:\Program Files\FIREHOUSE Software Mobile
was not compatible with User Account Control (UAC) security. The FH Mobile database has been moved from C:\Program Files\FIREHOUSE Software Mobile
This issue only appears on Windows 7 computers.
In the ePCR Options dialog box, if you clicked the Security icon in the left navigation pane, selected Require Login, and then saved the change, ePCR locked the computer.
Note: This is caused by a Windows 7 security issue. To resolve the problem, download and install the latest Windows 7 security updates.
In the Default Crew Setup dialog box, if you selected and added a staff member from the staff list, the following error appeared:
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at ACS.FHMOBILE.Business.b8.h(String A_0, String A_1)
at ACS.FHMOBILE.Business.b8.a(String A_0, Boolean A_1, String A_2)
If you were using the NEMSIS code set for Virginia, when you are using ePCR and you specify a value for the Chief Complaint Duration field, you are required to provide information under Chief Complaint Anatomic Location as well.
When you entered a value for Chief Complaint Duration, Chief Complaint Anatomic Location did not turn yellow to indicate that it was required as well.
When you started a new patient record, and clicked Response in the left navigation pane, Unit Notified Date/Time and Back In Service Date/Time were not colored yellow to indicate that they were required.
If you are using LiveLink between FH Mobile and FH Enterprise at the fire station, when information is sent through LiveLink to the mobile computer, the following information was not being sent as expected.
- A unit's mileage was not sent with the incident response times.
- Certification levels were not sent with crew member information.
- Station and shift information were not sent with NFIRS report information.
You would be prompted to print a violation notice in FH Mobile, even though in FH, in the Administrative Options dialog box, on the Occupancy tab, on the Inspections sub-tab, the Prompt to print a violation notice if violation records exist when an inspection is saved was cleared.
The last violation and its corresponding notes and information did not save as expected in an inspection checklist, even when you clicked Save on the checklist.
In ePCR, if you clicked Response in the left navigation pane, clicked Crew Members and used the Staff List dialog box that appears to add crew members, then under Crew Members in the far right pane, specified the activity code for each crew member, the activity code was not automatically propagated and displayed when you clicked All Crew in the left navigation pane.
In ePCR, if you clicked Response in the left navigation pane, cicked Crew Members and used the Staff List dialog box that appears to add crew members, then under Crew Members in the far right pane, specified the report authorizations for each crew member, the information did not saved as expected. The report authorization information displayed when you clicked All Crew in the left navigation pane, but did not display when you returned to Crew Members in the far right pane.
In ePCR, if you clicked Incident at the top of the screen, then clicked Incident in the left navigation pane, scrolled down and clicked Patient Present, and then clicked either Yes or No, the screen resets to show Alarm Date/Time selected and its options displayed in the far right pane.
In ePCR, you can specifiy a default unit. However, if you started a new patient record, clicked Incident at the top of the screen, clicked Addl Units in the left navigation pane, and in the right pane clicked Edit, in the Additional Unit dialog box that appeared, the Resource Type field was not filled in with the default unit.
Attachments could not be compressed in FH Mobile.
In FH, you can require that specific values in FH Mobile be filled in by crew members on the scene. The fields that correspond to these values are color-coded in ePCR to indicate that they are required, and when they are filled in (the requirement is met), the fields change color.
Even if the required information was entered in ePCR, the field color did not update as expected in the following cases, or changed back to the required color when you returned to the field later.
- If you clicked Intervention at the top of the screen, in the lower left corner of the screen you chose Other → Vitals, clicked Blood Pressure, and then chose / 0 Absent.
- If you clicked Intervention at the top of the screen, in the lower left corner of the screen you chose Other → Vitals, clicked Cardiac Rhythm Interpretation, and then chose Undetermined (U).
- If you clicked Patient at the top of the screen, clicked Assessment in the left navigation pane, clicked Advanced Directive, and then selected a description/code.
- If you clicked Patient at the top of the screen, clicked Cardiac Arrest & CPR in the left navigation pane, clicked Resuscitation Attempted, and then selected a description/code.
- If you clicked Incident at the top of the screen, clicked Response in the left navigation pane, clicked Patient/Staff Exposures, and then selected a description/code.
- If you clicked Incident at the top of the screen, clicked Response in the left navigation pane, clicked Aid Given Prior to Arrival, and then selected a description/code.
- If you clicked Patient at the top of the screen, clicked Patient Data in the left navigation pane, clicked Insurance, and then selected a description/code.
- If you clicked Incident at the top of the screen, clicked Response in the left navigation pane, clicked Cancelled, and then in the right pane, selected Cancelled.
In FH, you can use the station roster functionality to determine what crew members are on duty at a given moment. In ePCR, in the ePCR Options dialog box, you can click Default Unit/Crew in the left navigation pane, and then select Auto-Add from FH Roster to utilize the roster functionality in FH while adding crew members.
If ePCR, if you clicked Incident at the top of the screen, clicked All Crew in the left navigation pane, and add a crew member, the crew member's unit information does not appear in the Unit column of the All Crew table.
In ePCR, you can define a default crew. If you then started a new patient record and deleted the crew members, the following error message appeared.
Concurrency violation: the UpdateCommand affected 0 of the expected 1 records
In ePCR, if you clicked Incident at the top of the screen, then clicked Response in the left navigation pane, Total Miles was displayed as an integer value instead of as a decimal value.
Even if you clicked Save, changes to the size of the middle and right panes were not saved as expected for three screens. The screens affected could be reached as follows.
- If you clicked Incident at the top of the screen, and then in the left navigation pane, you clicked All Crew.
- If you clicked Intervention at the top of the screen, in the lower left corner of the screen, you chose Other → Medication.
- If you clicked Patient at the top of the screen, and then in the left navigation pane, you clicked Past Med Hx & Alerts.
If you clicked Intervention at the top of the screen, in the lower left corner of the screen, you chose Other → Vitals, and then you selected any of the following vitals from the list in the middle pane, the corresponding heading did not appear in the right pane.
- Blood Pressure
- Temperature
- Pa02 (mmHg)
- Capillary Refill
- Pitting Edema
- Monitored Heart Rate
- Pulse Rate (select Pulse Details to find this vitals information)
- Respiration (select Respitory Details to find this vitals information)
When initiating Live Link with FHMobile, a Search dialog box appeared and displayed, with no apparent activity in FH Mobile. While this was normal, it sometimes appeared that FH Mobile was locked, and users would click other options in an attempt to get a resonse from FH Mobile. A new dialog box now appears, asking users to wait while the Live Link establishes.
If you clicked Incident at the top of the screen, then clicked All Crew in the left navigation pane, added a crew member, assigned a unit to the crew member, and left the All Crew screen, the unit information was not saved as expected.
If you clicked Patient at the top of the screen, clicked Assessment in the left navigation pane, clicked Chief Complaint Duration, entered a value in Duration, and clicked Calculate Time, nothing happened.
If you clicked Start at the top of the screen, clicked Tools & Options in the right pane, clicked Export Record in the left navigation pane, then in the Export Patient Data dialog box that appears, you selected a patient and clicked Export, the following error appeared.
Failed to enable constraints. One or more rows contain values violating non-null, unique, or foreign-key constraints.
If you clicked Incident at the top of the screen, clicked Response in the left navigation pane, clicked Crew Members, clicked Add and used the Staff List dialog box that appears to add crew members, and then used the Cer column in the right pane to specify each crew member's certification levels, the information was not propagated to the All Crew panel as expected.
If you are using the NEMSIS code set, and if you clicked Patient at the top of the screen, clicked Past Med Hx & Alerts in the left navigation pane, selected a group and clicked Add or Edit, the Past Medical History dialog box appears.
If you selected a code from any group, selected another group, and then selected a None code, all selected codes were removed from the selected grid. If you then later accessed the Past Medical History dialog box and selected a previously removed code and clicked OK, the following error appeared.
Violation of UNIQUE KEY constraint 'ems_hist_ptntcode'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.EMS_HIST'.
When you click Incident at the top of the screen, click Incident in the left navigation pane, click Incident Number in the middle pane, and then click Link to Incident in FH Database, the Search dialog box appears displaying a list of incident numbers.
If you were using Live Link and you accidentally selected the wrong incident number, and then later tried to select a different incident number, the following error message appeared.
Violation of UNIQUE KEY constraint 'ems_crew_crew_key'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.EMS_CREW'.
did not appear for blood pressure display
If you clicked Intervention at the top of the screen, in the lower left corner of the screen, you chose Other → Vitals, clicked Blood Pressure in the middle pane, entered a systolic pressure value, and then selected By Palp/Doppler, the letter p
did not appear as expected.
If you have an individual who meets the frequently transported patient criteria specified in ePCR, when you click Patient at the top of the screen, click Patient Data in the left navigation pane, click Patient Name in the middle pane, enter the patient's name in Last Name in the right pane, click Frequently Transported Patients, and then select the patient in the Frequently Transported Patients dialog box, a new patient record is created and partially populated based on previous records for that patient. However, the city, state, and zip code information was not filling in on the new patient record, even if it existed on previous patient records.
The following enhancements were implemented this release.
FH Mobile now works with SQL Server 2008 and 2008 R2. SQL Server 2008 R2 Express is now provided for free with FH Mobile installation and update purchases, and the FIREHOUSE Software Mobile Installation and Update Guide has been updated to provide instructions on installing and configuring, or updating to, SQL Server 2008 R2 Express.
If you are updating from a previous version of FH Mobile to the new version, and if you had Device Monitor installed with the previous version of FH Mobile, then Device Monitor and CodeStat are automatically updated to a newer version when FH Mobile updates.
In ePCR, you could accidentally create an extrication record you did not need. An Exclude Extrication button has been added so that you can now remove unintentional extrication records.
To find the new button, do the following.
At the top of the screen, click Summary.
The left navigation pane displays icons related to summary information.
In the left navigation pane, click Extrication.
In the middle pane, the vehicle extrication fields appears, and in the right pane, codes and additional fields appear. The new Exclude Extrication button is located under the right pane, next to Save.
An option has been added to ePCR that lets you choose to create a NFIRS record each time you synchronize the FH Mobile database with the FH database. When the NFIRS record is created, it is automatically set to group 3, EMS and Transport.
To find the new option, do the following.
At the top of the screen, click Start.
The right pane updates to display basic ePCR functions.
In the right pane, click Tools & Options.
The left navigation pane updates with tools and basic options for ePCR.
In the left navigation pane, click ePCR Options.
The ePCR Options dialog box appears.
In the left navigation pane of the ePCR Options dialog box, click Incident.
The options in the right pane of the dialog box update.
In the right pane, select Create NFIRS record during sync to FH database.
- Click Save.
If you enable the option that creates a NFIRS record each time you synchronize the FH Mobile database with the FH database, a new NFIRS actions-taken list and incident type list from group 3 is also added to ePCR.
To find the list of NFIRS actions taken and incident types you can select in group 3, do the following.
- Perform the steps under Create NFIRS record on synchronization with FH in these Release Notes.
At the top of the screen, click Summary.
The options in the left navigation pane update to display summary options. The NFIRS icon now appears in this pane.
In the left navigation pane, click the NFIRS icon.
Click Incident Type.
The middle and right panes update to display the list of NFIRS incident types from group 3, Rescue & Emergency Medical Service Incident, that you can select in ePCR.
Click Primay Action Taken.
The middle and right panes update to display the list of NFIRS actions from group 3, EMS and Transport, that you can select in ePCR.