Edit or hide medications administered

The list of EMT-administered medications the medic in the field can select in FH Medic on the mobile computer must be defined on the FH Medic administration site.

Note: Only list medications that are actually carried on the emergency vehicle, not every medication on the market.

This list is available in FH Medic on the Events tab, on the Treatments sub-tab, when the Medication Administration button is clicked.

  1. (If you have not done so already) Access the list of medications that can be administered in one of these ways.

  2. Click Medication Administered.

    The Configurations -> Medication Administered or Demographics -> Medication Administered page appears.

    Note: These pages display the same list and have the same functionality—the Medication Administered icon is available on both the Configurations and Demographics pages as a convenience to the user.


  3. Do any of the following.