Show, hide, and reorder NEMSIS protocols

NEMSIS provides a set of baseline protocol files for all states, and these protocols are part of your department's demographic information. Your state or department may choose to add to the list of available protocol files, but these additions are maintained in a separate protocol list.

Information on adding or editing additional protocol files is available in Add, edit, or deactivate protocols.

  1. (If you have not done so already) Access the list of NEMSIS protocols in one of these ways.

  2. Click Nemsis Protocols Used.

    The Configurations -> Nemsis Protocols Used or Demographics -> Nemsis Protocols Used page appears.

    Note: These pages display the same list and have the same functionality—the Nemsis Protocols Used icon is available on both the Configurations and Demographics pages as a convenience to the user.


  3. (Optional, to filter the list of protocols) In the row of letters across the top of the protocol list, click the letter corresponding to the protocol you want to find.

    The list refreshes, and only the protocols whose name starts with the letter you clicked appear in the list. If none of the protocols has a name starting with the clicked letter, the entire list of protocols appears.

  4. Do any of the following.