Transmit the data to the FH Medic mobile computer

Once the FH Medic mobile computer and the Zoll X monitor are paired, you can transmit data from the Zoll X monitor to the FH Medic mobile computer.

  1. Choose Start → All Programs → RescueNet → Data Retriever → Data Retriever, or double-click the Data Retriever icon on your desktop.

    If you are launching Data Retriever for the first time, a prompt to configure a file location to store files appears.

  2. Click OK.

    The Zoll Data Retriever dialog box appears, with the Data Retriever tab selected by default.

  3. From the menu, choose X Series Case Service.

    The image in the dialog box updates to display the Zoll X monitor.

  4. Click Upload.
  5. Respond to any prompts that appear.

    The data on the Zoll X monitor is sent to the folder on the FH Medic mobile computer.

    Note: You must import the Zoll data file into FH Medic within 96 hours of the file’s completed date/time. This is typically the date/time the data is transmitted from the Zoll device to the FH Medic mobile computer.

  6. Continue with Import the data into FH Medic.