Import vitals data from an EKG device
If vitals data was recorded on an EKG device, and if you connect the EKG device to the mobile computer running FH Medic, you can import the data into FH Medic.
(If you have not done so already) Add a new incident, or open an existing incident, as described in Add or edit an incident.
By default, the Response tab and Incident Information sub-tab are selected.
Click the Events tab, and then click the Vitals sub-tab.
Fields for gathering information related to the treatment appear on the left side of the interface, and a summary of the vitals information you enter appears at the bottom of the interface. Because you may assess the patient's vitals multiple times during treatment, you can record the vitals data for each of these assessments.
Note: The first time you access this screen, a new, blank vitals entry is automatically added to the vitals summary listing.
Note: Through the FH Medic administration site, the FH Medic application can be highly configured to display or hide individual fields, require or not-require fields, and even change field labels. As a result, different fields may appear for you than what is shown in the screen shot.
Information on using the FH Medic administration site to control the fields in the FH Medic application is available in the FH Medic Administrator's Guide .
At the bottom of the interface, click Import Vitals EKG.
The Choose Patient Record dialog box appears, listing imported EKG and vitals files.
Under Choose Patient Record, select the name of the patient you want to import, and then click Import Record.
The vitals information imports as patient data, and all other records for the patient import as attachments to the patient's care record.
- Click Close.