Provide IV (intravenous) fluids to the patient

  1. (If you have not done so already) Do the following.

    1. Add a new incident, or open an existing incident, as described in Add or edit an incident.

      By default, the Response tab and Incident Information sub-tab are selected.

    2. Click the Events tab, and then click the Treatments sub-tab.

      The Treatments and Supplies sub-tabs appear. The Treatments sub-tab is selected by default, displaying a list of possible treatments.

  2. Click IV.

    Fields for gathering information related to the treatment appear on the left side of the interface.

  3. Under IV, enter data as described in Understand the interface and data entry in it.

    Field Information needed


    The time the treatment was administered to the patient. By default, this value is populated with the computer's system time when you selected this treatment option.


    An indication of the side of the body the IV needle was inserted into.


    A description of the location where the IV needle was inserted (hand, forearm, jugular, and so forth).


    An indication of whether or not the insertion of the IV needle was successful.


    The number of attempts made in inserting the IV needle.

    Size (gauge)

    The gauge size of the needle used for the IV treatment.


    The type of fluid administered to the patient through the IV.


    The drop rate of the IV, such as TKO (to keep open) or bolus (a single dose of medication).

    Performed By

    The person who performed the treatment.


    The number of drops per minute of the fluid administered to the patient.

    Total Volume Infused (ml)

    The total volume of fluid absorbed by the patient.

    Drip Set

    The number of drops per minute that the patient recieves through a drip set (the hypodermic needle, tubing, air chamber, and other parts needed to administer IV fluids).

    Prior To Arrival

    Indicate whether or not actions were performed on the patient before you arrived on the scene.

  4. Click Submit to save the treatment information you entered.

    The Treatments tab reappears.