Add, edit, or deactivate states, counties, cities, and zip codes

The list of states, counties, cities, and zip codes the medic in the field can select in FH Medic on the mobile computer can be defined on the FH Medic administration site, and the medic can manually enter ones that are not included in the list.

These items are available in FH Medic on:

  • The Response tab, on the Incident Information sub-tab, in the Location section.
  • The Patient tab, on the Demographics sub-tab, in the Home Address section.


  1. (If you have not done so already) Access the Configurations -> FH Medic page, as described in Configure FH Medic for the mobile computers.
  2. Click Cities, States, Zips, Counties.

    The Configurations -> Cities, States, Zips, Counties page appears.

  3. For states, do any of the following.

  4. Under Counties, Cities, and Zips, repeat the procedures outlined above to add, edit, or deactivate counties, states, and zip codes.


    • You must add counties before adding cities, and add cities before adding zip codes.
    • The name of the Edit dialog box and the fields it contains changes, depending on whether you are working counties, cities, or zip codes, but the general steps for adding, editing, and deactivating are the same.