Transfer schedule information to the station roster
The station roster is a listing of the staff members and units available for selection when adding responding units and staff members to incident reports. You can transfer the information in the Scheduling Console dialog box to the station roster manually, or you can have FH transfer the information automatically in real time.
(If you have not done so already) Specify the schedule, date, time, and shift to work with.
Note: Only information for the current date and time is transferred to the station roster. If the date and time you specify in the Scheduling Console is past or in the future, no information transfers to the station roster.
(If it is available) Click Transfer to Roster.
Note: This button is not available if information transfers automatically.
A confirmation dialog box appears.
Click Yes.
All staff assigned to active shifts for the displayed date and time are transferred to the roster.
The Station Roster & Availability dialog box appears.
Caution: Do not automatically transfer information from the Scheduling Console dialog box to the station roster if you are using a low-speed connection to the FH database.
Choose Tools → Workstation Options.
The Workstation Options dialog box appears.
Click the Scheduling tab.
Under Real Time Links, select or clear Real-time link with Station Roster to indicate whether or not to update the station roster with staff members associated with the current shift.
Tip: To take full advantage of the real-time link with station roster, choose Administration → Administrative Options. In the Administrative Options dialog box that appears, click the Staff tab, and from Default Staff Group Select Method/Page, choose Station Roster. When you are later working in a dialog box and you click Add Group, the Staff Group Select dialog box appears listing staff associated with the current shift.
Click OK.
Tip: You can access the station roster by choosing File → Station Management → Station Roster & Availability.