Approve a staffing exchange or exception
- (If you have not done so already) Specify the schedule, date, time, and shift to work with.
On the left side of the dialog box, under Unapproved Exchanges or Future Unapproved Exchanges, select the exchange or exchanges you want to approve.
Do one of the following.
In Approved By, type the staff ID number of the staff member who approves the change of staff members in the time period, or click the lookup button
and then select an option from the menu that appears.
Note: The staff member you selected must have the appropriate security rights to approve the change of staff members.
In Approval Date/Time, type the date and time the approval for the exchange is granted, or click the lookup button
and then use the Calendar dialog box that appears to select the date and time.
- (If in the Approve Exchanges and/or Exceptions dialog box ) Click OK.
(If in the Shift Personnel Exchange or Exception dialog box) Click Save, and then click Close.