Add a shift to a schedule

Once you create a schedule, you need to add shifts to the schedule. Information on creating a schedule is available in Add a new schedule.

  1. (If one is not open already) Open an existing schedule.
  2. Click Add.

    The Schedule Shift dialog box appears.

  3. In Shift Name, type a name for the shift you are adding.
  4. Click in Shift Color, and then use the Color dialog box that appears to select a color for the shift.

    Note: You can set additional options for controlling shift colors in Set workstation-specific scheduling options.

  5. Select or clear Don't use a color for this shift to indicate whether the shift should be included in color-coded calendars.

  6. Do any or all of the following to the new shift.

    To do this See instructions in
    Add personnel

    Add individual staff members to a shift.

    Add a group of staff members to a shift.

    Edit or delete staff members Edit or delete staff members on a shift.
    Define activity defaults

    Define activity defaults for a shift.

    Define a duty cycle

    Define a duty cycle for a shift.

  7. Click Save, and then click Close.

Note: You can also use an FH wizard to Add shifts to a schedule with the wizard.