7.8.9 Release Notes
These Release Notes are for Firehouse® release 7.8.9, and provide a listing of the defects resolved during this release. The changes listed in the Release Notes apply to both FH™ Standard and Enterprise editions.

When using the Journal, the training, investigation, and journal events screens open a blank screen instead of an existing record as expected.

If the NEMSIS code set is not installed, the following issues occur when using the EMS module.
- When filling in the EMS/Search & Rescue Report dialog box, you are unable to fill in the Number of Patients/Victims At Scene field.
- When you click Save in the EMS/Search & Rescue Report dialog box, a message appears stating that a code is required for the Dispatched For field, even when a code exists in the field.
- When saving an EMS record, the following message appears:
NEMSIS requires that all EMS units recorded on patient care reports have an assigned EMS response type