7.22.23 Release Notes
These Release Notes are for Firehouse® release 7.22.23, and provide a listing of the enhancements and issues resolved since the 7.21.27 release. The changes listed in the Release Notes apply to both FH Standard and FH Enterprise editions.
The following enhancements were implemented this release.
If your department uses FH on the FH Cloud, you can now download and open PDF files from any module that supports attachment.
As an example, in the Incidents module, do the following to find the new feature.
- Open an incident record with an attachment.
Click the Other tab, then click Attachments & Signatures.
The Attachments & Signatures. dialog box appears.
Select the attachment you want to open, then click Run It.
A prompt to download and save the file attachment to your local device appears.
Click OK, then use the file browser that appears to navigate to the location where you want to save the file.
Once the file is downloaded, you can open it in the application of your choice.
[TFS-148413, SRF-201]
If you use FH Web to access FH 7 on the Cloud, your department FH administrator can now change your password in FH, and it will automatically synchronize with your FH Web account so that the same password works for both FH and FH Web and you have fewer passwords to remember.
Note: This feature is designed for FH Cloud customers, and does not function with FH Web installed locally at your department.
[TFS-139862, PSF-7786]
You can now use a new option to print PDF files, which resolves PDF printing issues with a printer mapped from a print server.
To find the new feature, do the following.
- In any FH module that supports printing, open a record.
At the bottom of the module's dialog box, click Print.
The Output Report To dialog box appears, with the New PDF option listed as an output type you can select.
[TFS-142330, PFS-8711]
The following issues were successfully resolved this release.
In the Administrative Options dialog box, on the Incident > General tab, if you selected Use state-level validation (relaxes some date/time and address rules), the address lookup validation was disabled for the Incident and EMS modules, but was not also disabled for the Investigation module as expected.
The rule for addresses for the Incident, EMS, and Investigation modules are now relaxed when you selected this option.
[TFS-146477, PFS-3291]
If you set up an automated task to print a report, when the task ran, the report created correctly, but then the following error message appeared.
Error 1522: Connectivity internal consistency error at line 168 of remoteizeview at line 0 of
[TFS-147536, PFS-6695]
If you had a staff member record with additional records, the pay scale for the user was automatically populated in the incident module. When you then generated a volunteer payroll report, multiple payments appeared in the report for that user.
[TFS-146150, PFS-6947]
If you created an incident that included mutual aid with a lookup code of 3 - Mutual aid given
or 4 Automatic aid given
, when you exported that report, incident narratives were not included in the report as expected.
This error no longer occurs, and you can now save the NFPA report to a PDF file.
[TFS-146951, PFS-9403]
If you upgraded to FH 7.20.20, then ran NFPA Yearly Fire Experience Survey, and tried to save it to a PDF file, the following error appeared.
Error 11: Function argument value, type, or count is invalid. at line 38 of procedure/method RPTPROG.GENERATE.
[TFS-145911, PFS-9419]
If you choose Administration > Users and Security, the Users and Security dialog box appears. If you click the User Groups tab, select a user group's name, and click Properties, the User Group Setup dialog box appears. On the Security/Timeout tab of that dialog boxes, if you enabled the Inactivity timeout after ___ minutes option and set it to one or two minutes, you were not automatically logged out of FH after the specified number of inactive minutes, as expected.
[TFS-146636, PFS-9486]
In the Hydrant module, on the Flow Tests tab, when you click Add, the Hydrant Activity dialog box appears. On the Flow Test tab of that dialog box, you can enter values in the Discharge Coeff and Outlet Diameter fields.
If you then schedule a hydrant flow test as an activity for that hydrant, when you click Save for the activity, the Discharge Coeff and Outlet Diameter fields in the Hydrant Activity dialog box reset to zero, and should not have.
Values now save in the fields as expected when you save the flow test record.
[TFS-146646, PFS-9523]
In the Workstation Options dialog box, on the Other > Journal & Reminders tab, you have the option to enable Use Day Journal instead of Month Journal (May perform better for larger departments). If you enabled this option, then in the Journal module you used a journal filter, the following error appeared.
Error 1734: Property OPTPERMIT is not found. at line 22 of procedure/method FRMBOOKFILTER.INIT.
[TFS-146650, PFS-9566]
If you ran an NFPA report in FH, the report did not contain the correct totals. The NFPA report now contains the correct total, based on the fire survey specifications.
[TFS-147345, PFS-9569]
In any of the modules that support attachments, if you added attachments to a record, then later selected an attachment and tried to delete it, the attachment was not removed from record.
In the Incident module, if you added a piece of equipment to the incident record, then later selected the piece of equipment and tried to delete it, the equipment was not removed from the incident record.
In the Inspection module, if you added a staff activity to the inspection record, then later selected the activity and tried to delete it, the activity was not removed from the inspection record.
In the Accounts Receivable module, if you added a payment responsibility record to the account record, then later selected the payment responsibility and tried to delete it, the payment responsibility was not removed from the account record.
If you were using FH Enterprise, in the Inventory module, if you added a linked inventory record to the account record, then later selected the linked inventory record and tried to delete it, the linked record was not removed from the inventory record.
In the Staff Activity module, you can link an incident to the activity record. If you later access the Incident module, open the incident record linked to the staff activity, click the Additional Reports tab, and click All Staff Activities, the Incident Activities dialog box appears, listing all staff activities linked to the incident. If you then select an activity record in this dialog box and click Delete, the entire activity is deleted, instead of just the link between the incident and activity records.
Released: June 21, 2018