7.15.37 Release Notes
These Release Notes are for Firehouse® release 7.15.37, and provide a listing of the defects resolved and the enhancements implemented during this release. The changes listed in the Release Notes apply to both FH® Standard and Enterprise editions.
Tip: You may want to also consult the Release Notes for 7.15.25 and 7.15.32 for a list of defects resolved and enhancements implemented during the previous release. These Release Notes are available as PDF files at 7.15.25 Release Notes and 7.15.32 Release Notes, or as WebHelp at 7.15.25 Release Notes and 7.15.32 Release Notes.
The following issue was successfully resolved this release.
When EMS or incident record was locked in the following ways, users who are not administrators in FH, but who had been granted security permissions to override record locks, were unable to unlock the record with the steps below.
- An EMS record was manually locked.
- An incident record with an incident type code in the 100 range (a fire incident) passed quality control (QC) and locked automatically.
- An incident record locked automatically after a specific number of hours.
- Log into FH as a non-administrative user with override lock permissions.
- Open the incident or EMS record that you locked while logged in as an administrator.
In the upper right corner of the dialog box, select Override Lock.
The check box remains cleared, and the user is unable to override the lock. If you open the Record Locked Status dialog box and clear Lock Record, you are unable to save the change, and the lock remains in place.