7.15.32 Release Notes
These Release Notes are for Firehouse® release 7.15.32, and provide a listing of the defects resolved and the enhancements implemented during this release. The changes listed in the Release Notes apply to both FH® Standard and Enterprise editions.
Tip: You may want to also consult the Release Notes for 7.15.25 for a list of defects resolved and enhancements implemented during the previous release. These Release Notes are available as a PDF file at 7.15.25 Release Notes.
The following enhancements were implemented this release.
When setting up or modifying an inventory checklist, you can now see the barcode ID and the inventory ID for each item in the Checklist Setup dialog box. You can also now select multiple items from the inventory list and add them to the checklist in a single click, or select multiple items in the checklist and then remove them from the checklist with a single click.
Information on working with the barcoding checklist is available in the FH Barcoding User's Guide, available at http://www.firehousesoftware.com/webhelp/FHBarcoding/Default.htm.
To find the new interface elements related to the feature additions, do the following.
Access the Inventory module and open an apparatus record as normal.
Click the Checklist tab.
In the lower half of the dialog box, add a new checklist, or open an existing checklist, as normal.
The Checklist Setup dialog box appears.
The new Barcode ID and Inventory ID columns appear in both the Inventory List and Checklist Items lists.
In the Checklist Setup dialog box, you can hold down the Shift key or the Ctrl key on the keyboard and select multiple items to add to the Checklist Items list. You can also hold down the Shift key or the Ctrl key on the keyboard and select multiple items to remove from the Checklist Items list.
The following NEMSIS file has been updated on the FH installation CD in the State
directory, and on the Firehouse web site.
- NemsisOH2.FHz
The following issues were successfully resolved this release.
If you have rights to add, edit, or view EMS and patient records, and you saved a patient report with the steps below, the following error message appeared.
You do not have proper permission to view one or more of the Patient Records. The NEMSIS validation will not be ran.
- Open the EMS module and, in the EMS/Search & Rescue Report dialog box that appears, begin an EMS record as normal.
Click the Patients/Victims tab, and then click Add.
The Patient/Victim Information - EMS/Search & Rescue Incident dialog box appears.
- Fill out the patient/victim information as normal.
- Click Save, and then click Close.
In the EMS/Search & Rescue Report dialog box, click Save.
The error listed above appeared.
If you had installed the inv_musr_fields.FHz
file and set up a required user-defined field for the maintenance/test detail, when you saved the user field record with the steps below, the following error appeared.
Error 1884: Record already exists (INV_MUSR)
Choose File → Apparatus, Equipment and Inventory → Batch Maintenance/Test Entry.
The Query dialog box appears.
Select a group of records to update, and then click OK.
The Maintenance/Test Detail dialog box appears.
- On the Basic tab, under Status, Dates, and Times, select Completed.
Click the Other tab, and then click User Fields.
The Maintenance/Test User Fields dialog box appears.
- Select an option for the required user field.
Click Save.
The error listed above appeared.
If you ran the batch utility update with the steps below, the update process appeared to begin, but then hangs and does not complete.
Choose File → NFIRS 5 Incident Reporting → Batch update NFIRS Report Completion Status.
The Batch Update Incident Report Completion Status dialog box appears.
Make the selections you need in the dialog box as normal, and then click OK.
A message indicating the number of reports that will be updated appears, and you are prompted as to whether or not you want to continue.
Click Yes.
The Incident Report Batch Update in Progress dialog box appears, with a message stating that it is initializing the batch update over it. The process hangs at this point and no error appears.
If the FH administrator created a user login and required the user to change their password on first login, when the user tried to log into FH and change their password with the steps below, the following error appeared.
Login password does not match with the entered old password.
Launch FH software as normal.
The login dialog box appears.
In User Name and Password, type the user name and password assigned by the FH administrator, and then click OK.
A prompt to change your password to log in appears.
Click Yes.
The Change Password dialog box appears.
In Current Password, New Password, and Confirm New Password, type your current and new passwords, and then click OK.
The error listed above appeared.
If you tried to change your password with the steps below, the following error appeared.
Error 12: Variable 'CPASSWORD' is not found. at line 11 of procedure/method USRCHANGEPASSWORD.SAVE.
Choose Tools → Change Password.
The Change Password dialog box appears.
Enter your current and new passwords as normal, and then click OK.
The error listed above appeared.
(Ohio only) If you had installed the Ohio NEMSIS code set, and in an EMS incident defined a provider's secondary impression as not-applicable with the steps below, the state sent back the following error message.
Given value 'Not Applicable' for '(048) Provider's Secondary Impression' has failed following Validations and Crosschecks: May be value "Not Applicable" if Element #74 (Incident Disposition) is value "No Treatment Required" or "Patient Refused Care".
- Open the EMS module and, in the EMS/Search & Rescue Report dialog box that appears, begin an EMS record as normal.
Click the Patients/Victims tab, and then click Add.
The Patient/Victim Information - EMS/Search & Rescue Incident dialog box appears.
- Fill out the required patient information as normal.
- On the Clinical tab, in the Provider sub-tab, under Provider Impression for Secondary, click the lookup button and select Not Applicable in the dialog box that appears.
- Save and close the Patient/Victim Information - EMS/Search & Rescue Incident and EMS/Search & Rescue Report dialog box as normal.
Export the NEMSIS data to the state of Ohio as normal.
The state sent back the error message listed above.
(Ohio only) If you had installed the Ohio NEMSIS code set, the list of hospital codes and names available to you had become outdated.
- Open the EMS module and, in the EMS/Search & Rescue Report dialog box that appears, begin an EMS record as normal.
Click the Patients/Victims tab, and then click Add.
The Patient/Victim Information - EMS/Search & Rescue Incident dialog box appears.
- Fill out the required patient information as normal.
On the Status & Transport tab, under Transport, for Initial Destination/Facility Code or Diverted To, click the lookup button.
The list of hospital codes and names did not contain new hospitals, and contained some hospitals that had been closed.
(Ohio only) If you had installed the Ohio NEMSIS code set, and in the staff records had specified crew certification and license levels with the steps below, the state sent back the following error message.
Given value 'ALS, Level 2' for '(034) Level of Service Provided' has failed following Validations and Crosschecks: if element #6 (Crew Certification/License Levels) does not have at least one value "EMT-Intermediate" or "EMT-Paramedic", then can not be values"ALS Level 1", or "ALS Level 2"..
- Open the Staff module, and then start a new record or open or existing record as normal.
Click the Additional Records tab, and then click Administrative.
The Administrative Information dialog box appears.
- On the EMS tab, under Personnel, for State EMS Certification Level, choose EMT-P Paramedic or EMT-I Intermediate.
- Click Save, and then click Close.
- In the Staff dialog box, click Save, and then click Close.
Export the NEMSIS data to the state of Ohio as normal.
The state sent back the error message listed above.
(Ohio only) If you had installed the Ohio NEMSIS code set, and in an EMS incident you had defined a destination/hospital code as -25 (Not Applicable) and a patient disposition as 4845 (Treated, Transferred Care), then changed the facility type code to 5075 or 5080 with the steps below, all calls with the -25 value for facility type were changed, and became incorrect.
- Open the EMS module and, in the EMS/Search & Rescue Report dialog box that appears, begin an EMS record as normal.
Click the Patients/Victims tab, and then click Add.
The Patient/Victim Information - EMS/Search & Rescue Incident dialog box appears.
- Fill out the required patient information as normal.
- On the Basic tab, in the lower right corner, for Patient Disposition, click the lookup button and select 4845 - Treated, Transferred Care in the dialog box that appears.
On the Status & Transport tab, under Transport, for Initial Destination/Facility Code, click the lookup button.
The Lookup- Transport Destinations/Facilities dialog box appears.
Select -25 - Not Applicable, and then click Edit.
The Code for Transport Destinations/Facilities dialog box appears.
For Type, click the lookup button.
The Lookup - Facility Type dialog box appears.
- Select 5075 - Other EMS Responder (Air) or 5080 - Other EMS Responder (Ground), and then click OK.
In the Code for Transport Destinations/Facilities dialog box, click Save.
A message appears prompting you to confirm your change.
Click Yes.
All call records preceding this one with the -25 value were changed (instead of only the single call record you were working with), and became incorrect.
If you updated from FH 7.11.15 to a newer version of FH, when you open a patient record with the steps below, error messages appeared.
- Open the EMS module and an EMS record as normal.
- In the EMS/Search & Rescue Report dialog box, click the Patients/Victims tab.
Click New, or select an existing patient record and click Open.
Error messages appear.
If you had wildland fire incidents with latitude and longitude values, when you performed a NFIRS export of the data, latitude and longitude values were rounded up to the nearest value before the decimal point. As a result, when the state imported the NFIRS data, errors appeared for the state.
If you imported or manually entered the location of an incident or an occupancy with a negative longitude value (for example, -31.014556
), and then tried to view the incident or occupancy location with the steps below, the location appeared in the wrong hemisphere on the map.
Depending on whether you are working with an occupancy or an incident, choose one of the following.
- Maps → Incident Maps
- Maps → Occupancy Management Maps
The Maps dialog box appears.
- Expand Incident Maps or Occupancy Management Maps, and select the location category related to the incident or occupancy.
Click Run.
The Query Parameters dialog box appears.
Fill out the query parameters as normal, and then click Run Query.
A window appeared, displaying a map of the location. The location was plotted in the wrong hemisphere.
If you create a new query by copying an existing query with the steps below, when you run the new query, query results are generated, but do not display in the results window.
Choose Tools → Queries.
The Queries dialog box appears.
Click New.
A prompt appears, asking if you would like to make a copy of an existing query.
Click Yes.
The Select a Query dialog box appears.
Expand the category of interest, select the query you want to copy, and then click Select.
The Query Designer dialog box appears.
- Make any necessary changes to the copy of the query that you want.
- Click Save, and then click Close.
In the Queries dialog box, select your new query, and then click Run.
The Query Parameters dialog box appears.
Fill out the query parameters for the new query as normal, and then click Run Query.
The Query dialog appears, but does not list the results of the query. However, in the bottom right corner of the dialog box, the number of records found in the results appears, indicating that the query actually did run.
If you upgraded to FH 15.25 or 7.15.28, when you export the a NFIRS transaction file, civilian casualty data is not included in the file.