Assign activity codes and training methods to LOSAP categories
Once you have entered data into the lookup tables, you need to assign the activity codes and training methods to the proper LOSAP categories.
- Log into FH as an administrator.
Choose Administration → Administrative Options.
The Administrative Options dialog box appear.
Click the Staff tab.
The General sub-tab is displayed by default.
In the lower left corner, click Setup LOSAP Values.
The Length of Service Awards Report (LOSAP) Setup dialog box appears, set to the Standard tab.
- Under Select a range or list of ACTIVITY codes for the following items, for each of the activity codes, in From and To, enter a range of staff activity codes that apply to each of the categories.
Under Select a range or list of TRAINING method codes for the following items, for each of the methods, in From and To, enter a range of method of instruction codes that apply to each of the categories.
For each of the activity or training method code, enter a maximum number of points for the category in one of the following ways.
Assign a number of points- On the Standard tab, under Max Points, enter a maximum points value.
Assign point values based on a percentage of fire/rescue calls-
Click the Fire | Rescue % Points tab.
Click Add.
The Add Bonus Range dialog box appears.
- Under Type, select Fire.
Under Range, enter the percentage range and the number of points to be assigned.
Example: If your department awards 25 for members who make at least ten percent of the call, you will have two percentage records. The first record has a Low % value of 0 and a High % value of 9, and a Points value of 0. The second record has a Low % value of 10 and a High % value of 100, and a Points value of 10.
- Click OK.
- In the Length of Service Awards Report (LOSAP) Setup dialog box. click OK.
In the Administrative Options dialog box, click OK.