Drawing port
The drawing port is the most prominent section of the user interface. It is where you create or edit sketches, and it can vary in size, depending upon the page layout/form you selected.
The drawing port corresponds to the printable area within the current page or sketch form. Depending on the layout, there may be a darker border around the white area.
Note: Anything drawn in the darker area surrounding the drawing port does not print.
If you have chosen a form which has the sketch in the top half and the calculations in the bottom half, the drawing port only allows you to draw in an area which fits within the allotted sketch area.
In most cases, the entire printable area fits within the viewable area.
When you select a form or page size which is taller than can be shown on the screen (for example, full legal), scroll bars appear, letting you draw and edit in areas not shown on the screen. In this case, anything drawn in the scrollable range of the white area can be printed.
Note: While zoomed in, the drawing port does not represent the printable area. When the zoom level causes the actual drawing to become larger than can be shown on screen, the printable area is still the portion of the sketch that fits within the form, rather than on the screen.