FH includes some administrative category printed reports that help determine pay amounts for staff members.
Example: Volunteer Payroll Report, Volunteer Payroll Report (Summary), and Fire Incident Cost (Manpower & Vehicles).
To ensure that personnel are paid appropriately, you must be sure that the staff member record is set up and that pay information is entered properly in the activity record.
When you enter an activity in the Staff Activity form (enter the activity code, hours paid and then add personnel to the activity) the actual paid hourly rate entered for the staff is used.
Note: The Pay Scale field needs to be empty. Pay Scale is described below.
If you run the Volunteer Payroll Report for the activity, the staff member will be paid as follows: “Number of Hours Paid” times “Default Hourly Rate”.
Information on adding an hourly rate for a staff member is available in Add Staff Administrative Information.
Pay scale is a flat rate that is credited for the personnel for a specific activity. A pay scale code must be added to the Pay Scale field in the activity detail record to use pay scale. Pay scale codes include a pay scale rate that, when added to the pay scale code, determines the flat rate. The flat rate set up for the pay scale remains the same regardless of the number of hours entered in the Hours Paid field, unless you specify a combination (described in Combinations, below) or unless you specify an exception for a specific staff member.
Note: If you set up default values for the pay scale code and use these values for all staff members (regardless of seniority or performance), do not specify an exception for a specific individual. If you do, the default value from the pay scale code is not used in the calculations—instead, the value that you assigned to that specific individual will be used.
Generally, departments enter a pay scale rate to the pay scale code only, then use the pay scale code in activities to apply the pay scale rate. If there is an exception (i.e., a specific individual that gets a different Pay Scale Rate), you can over ride the pay scale rate for the pay scale code by adding a specific pay scale rate to the staff member's record.
Information on adding pay rates is available in Add Staff Administrative Information. Information on lookup is available in .
You can specify that a combination of hourly rate and pay scale is used (that is, “hours paid” times “hourly rate” plus “pay scale”) or you can use the “pay scale” amount as an hourly amount on the Staff Activity form. If a Pay Scale is not entered, the combinations are disabled and “number of hours paid” times “default hourly rate” is used.
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