Generate and apply Google map keys
Google Maps requires you to have an API key and a private ("secret signing") key to verify that any site generating requests using your API key is authorized to do so. You can generate an API key and secret signing key on the Google Cloud Platform Console, then enter those keys in FH. This lets you seamlessly access Google Maps to pinpoint a location, while working in FH.
Warning: Keep your Google API and secret signing keys secure. Do not pass them in any requests, store them on any websites, or post them to any public forum. Anyone obtaining this these keys could spoof requests using your identity.
Information on using this service for free is available under Cloud Functions.
Note: While the service has some free capabilities, you must still enable billing to use it. If you exceed the free usage limit, you will be billed for the overage.
(If you have not worked with Google Maps before) Create a new Google Maps project.
Go to the Google Cloud Platform Console.
The Overview page appears, with no existing projects listed.
In the blue bar near the top of the screen, click Select a project.
The Select a project dialog box appears.
In the upper right corner, click New Project.
The New Project page appears.
In Project name, type a name for your Google Maps project.
Example: FH 7 Google Maps
Click Create.
The Select a project page appears.
Look up your Google Maps API key.
Go to the Google Cloud Platform Console.
The Select a project page appears.
In the blue bar near the top of the screen, click Select a project.
The Select a project dialog box appears, listing any Google projects you have created in the past.
Click the Google Maps project for which you want to add an API key.
The APIs & Services page appears.
In the upper left corner of the page, click the menu button, then choose APIs & Services > Credentials.
The Credentials screen appears.
Click Create credentials > API key.
The API key created dialog box appears, displaying your newly created API key.
Click Close.
The Credentials page updates, and your new API key appears under API keys.
Copy and paste your new API key somewhere, such is as in Notepad, for quick reference later.
You will need this key later when configuring FH for authenticated access to Google Maps.
Obtain your secret signing key.
In the left pane, click Dashboard.
The Dashboard screen for your selected Google Maps project appears.
At the top of the screen click Enable APIS and Services.
The Welcome to the API Library page appears. .
In the search bar, begin typing
Maps Static API
The list of APIs in the screen shortens with each character you type, to only display the APIs that still match what you are typing. -
(When it appears in the list) Click Maps Static API.
The Maps Static API screen appears.
Click Enable.
The Maps Static API screen updates to display information relevant to the API. .
Click the URL signing secret tab.
Your signing secret key appears to the right of Current secret.
Copy and paste your secret signing key into the same document as you pasted your API key, for quick reference later.
You will need the secret signing key in the next step, when configuring FH for authenticated access to Google Maps.
Configure FH to use authenticated Google Maps.
Choose Maps > any option.
The Maps dialog box appears.
On the right side, click Options, then choose Enter Google Maps API Key.
The Enter Google Maps Keys dialog box appears.
In Enter Google Maps API Key, paste the API key you created earlier.
In Enter Google Maps Private Key, paste the signing secret key you created earlier.
Click OK.
The Enter Google Maps Keys dialog box closes.
- In the Maps dialog box, click Close.