Correct HIPAA date
  1. Under Patients/Victims, select the name of the person with the invalid patient HIPAA status date, and then click Open.

    The Patient/Victim Information dialog box appears, set to the Basic tab.

  2. Click the Status & Transport tab.

  3. Under Patient Status, if the text on the Privacy Policy Status button is blue or green, click Privacy Policy Status.

    Note: If the label on the Privacy Policy Status button is black, there is no privacy policy status data recorded.

    The HIPAA Status - EMS/Search & Rescue Incident dialog box appears.

  4. In Status Date, correct the date.
  5. Click OK.

  6. In the Patient/Victim Information dialog box, click Save, and then click Close.
  7. In the EMS/Search & Rescue Report dialog box, click Save.
  8. Continue with Check for invalid dates in EMS incident records.