FIREHOUSE Software Enterprise Upsizing Guide

The FIREHOUSE Software Enterprise Upsizing Guide is designed to help you prepare your FH Standard database for transitioning to FH Enterprise, and then install, launch, and configure Firehouse® Enterprise.

Caution: This guide is intended to be used in conjunction with the FIREHOUSE Software Enterprise Installation Guide. After you have prepared your database for upsizing, refer to the FIREHOUSE Software Enterprise Installation Guide for information on the server and client computer relationship, hardware and software requirements, and the steps for installing FH Enterprise.

FH® Enterprise is a fire department records management software package that maintains an SQL database of information on a server where client computers can access it. You can install FH Enterprise on any computer or network at your department. If there are no computers available at your department, you can install FH Enterprise on a personal computer.

Note: The free evaluation version of FH Enterprise, which creates a fully functional installation of FH Enterprise with all available modules, expires 90 days after installation.

FIREHOUSE Software support staff is available to answer your questions by telephone or email. Support hours are from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Central time, Monday through Friday, and from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on Saturday. Call 800-921-5300, option 3. You can also send an email to


Checklist for upsizing to FH Enterprise

Download the user-defined fields report and date queries for upsizing

Install the user-defined fields report and date queries

Run the user-defined fields report

Purge large log files

Understand the conversion of custom reports

Check for invalid dates in modules

Run FH Database Tools

Backup your FH database

Activate the FH Enterprise license in FH Standard

Appendix:  Expression mapping