Specify remote options

There are a number of parameters you can set to control how the FH Enterprise client connects to the database server.

  1. Choose Tools → Workstation Options.

    The Workstation Options dialog box appears.

  2. Click the Remote Data tab.

  3. (Optional) In Remote Access, type the path to the Remote folder.

    The Remote folder stores the database field structure, the user field definitions, and the license file for FH Enterprise.

  4. (Optional) Under On Startup, select the option that indicates which database the client should connect to when FH Enterprise starts.

    Select this To connect to this

    Allow login to remote database only

    The SQL database located on the server.

    Note: This is the recommended option.

    User can select remote or local database

    Either the SQL and standard database.

    Allow login to local database only

    The FH Standard database used before changing to FH Enterprise.

    Caution: This option is only available if you have upsized an FH Standard database to an SQL database for FH Enterprise.

    Warning: Records added to the FH Standard database are not written to the SQL database server. Do not provide the opportunity to access the local database unless you have specific reasons for doing so, such as using the client computer for temporary training purposes.

  5. Select Automatically download client program updates from the server on startup.

    Updates to the server are automatically downloaded to the client computer when the version of FH Enterprise on the client computer is older than the version of the FH SQL database on the database server.

  6. Click OK.

    A confirmation dialog box appears, indicating that you may need to exit and restart FH Enterprise.

  7. Click OK.

    A second confirmation dialog box appears, directing you to exit and restart FH Enterprise.

  8. Click OK.
  9. Continue with Check custom reports after upsizing.