Generate late fee invoices for a single account
Note: Accounts must be active and have open invoices that qualify for late fee invoice processing to generate invoices with late fees. The invoice items must permit adjustments and voids.
In the main FH toolbar, click Account.
The Account dialog box appears.
Near the bottom of the dialog box, click the Browse, and then use the dialog box that appears to select an account record to display in the Account dialog box.
Choose Form → Generate Late Fee Invoices.
The Generate Late Fee Invoices wizard appears, listing all invoice records that qualify for late fees.
(Optional) Do any of the following.
Indicate which invoices to include when batch-generating late fee invoices- Select or clear the checkbox in the first column of the wizard for each invoice listed.
View an invoice listed in the wizard-
Select the invoice you want to view, and then click Open Item.
The Invoice dialog box appears, displaying information about that invoice and its items.
(If needed) Update the fields in the Invoice dialog box, and then click Save.
Information on the fields in the dialog box is available in Add a new invoice.
- Click Close.
Click Next >.
The next screen of the wizard lists the number of invoices selected for late-fee processing, and the proposed number to start generating invoices with.
- (Optional) In Specify Invoice No., enter a different invoice number to start generation from, or select Generate Next Available Invoice Number.
Click Finish.
A confirmation message appears, listing the number of invoices selected for processing.
Click Yes.
For active accounts with unpaid balances, FH reviews all invoices that do not have a late fee assessed, which have an open status, and in the billable event types selected on the previous screen of the wizard.
A second confirmation message appears, informing you of the number of late fee invoices that were successfully generated.
Click OK.
The Batch Generated Invoices dialog box appears, listing the invoices that were created with late fee processing.
(Depending on whether you want to batch-generate more late fee invoices) Click either Finished or Return to Wizard.
If you selected Return to Wizard, a confirmation dialog box appears asking if you would like the generate additional invoices.
(If the confirmation dialog box appears) Click Yes.
The first screen of the wizard reappears, so that you can generate additional invoices.