Create an account record with the wizard

Once you install the Occupancy to Account Migration Wizard, you can use the wizard to create account records from occupancy records.

  1. Log into FH.
  2. Choose Tools → Wizards → Occupancy to Account Migration Wizard.

    The Occupancy to Account Migration Wizard dialog box appears.

  3. Define the source for creating account records in one of the following ways.

  4. From Assign default status for all accounts, select that status to apply to account records created by the wizard.
  5. Click Next >.

    A table listing the account records that will be created appears.

  6. (Optional) Click in the cells in the table and edit the information if needed.
  7. (Optional) Clear the check box for a row in the table to exclude the item from account record creation.
  8. Click Next >.

    A summary screen appears, listing the number of account records that the wizard will create.

  9. Click Finish.

    A confirmation dialog box appears, informing you that accounts were created.

  10. Click OK.